Eterisk olja av apelsin, klarar den av att skydda vingården?

Essential oil from orange peel has a drying effect on the vine, it is desiccating. Therefore, many organic wine producers use this product to complement sulphur and copper in the fight against mildiou and oidium that thrive in humidity. Today, 3% of France’s wine-growing area is protected by orange essential oil and a significant increase is expected in the coming years.

Today, the market offers many different products where orange oil is included as an active substance. Oro Agri, one manufacturer, is doing research into how best to use this sustainable plant protection, in what doses and when to spray. It is vital not to use too much as the oil can desiccate the grape skin.

The orange oil is also approved for use as an insecticide. Experiments show that the oil has a minimal effect on bees and other good insects that you want to keep in the vineyard.

Read more vitisphere

Oranges in a fruit stand on a market in Uruguay
Oranges at a fruit stand on a market in Uruguay, copyright BKWine Photography

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