Worcester Sauce and wine. Revealed!

Last month we asked the question “what does Worcester Sauce has to do with wine?” It was sparked by the wine blog called Worcester Sauce (sometimes called Worcestershire Sauce – the sauce, not the blog) idiosyncratically written by Stuart George.

One (anonymous) reader suggested this explanation:

“Worcester Sauce is a very well-known and rather emblematic cooking and cocktail-making ingredient (pronounced ”wooster”), and I suppose some of Stuart’s remarks might be considered cheeky, or saucy – hence, Worcester Sauce”.

She added, importantly, as did another reader, that Stuart actually comes from Worcestershire. So, going to the source of the sauce, so to speak, Stuart confirms “my blog is called that name because I was born near Worcester!”

Once again, here it is: https://worcestersauce.wordpress.com/

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