Unique new book about Calvados

Henrik Matsson is a Swedish writer who has spent 2 years working on an ambitious venture. He has single handed written, typeset and designed what is in effect the first real book (as far as we know) about Calvados. It is elegantly designed and covers all important subjects, such as: the history of Calvados, how to make it and how to drink it, the producers, and things to see and do when you go there. Unfortunately it could have been better checked for typos and linguistically. But it is nevertheless a very interesting book to read for those of you who like a glass of calvados every now and then. Buy the book from the publisher: https://www.calvadosbook.com/ . You can now find this and other book reviews in our new book section on the site: https://www.bkwine.com/category/reviews/wine-books/

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