Top Bordeaux – over the top?

This period of the year is traditionally full of news about the “primeur” tastings of the latest vintage in Bordeaux. You will find links to some of the most interesting commentaries in the Brief. I did not have the opportunity to go the tastings in Bordeaux myself this year unfortunately.

A lot of the commentaries on the 2005 vintage indicate that it is a very exceptional vintage. But many also fear that prices will shoot up (from an already high level), and some complain about “profiteering” winemakers: “they really shouldn’t raise the prices so much” and so on. I say: let them raise the prices as much as they want! If they price is too high for you (or me) – don’t buy!

Apparently there are people willing to pay the high prices that are demanded. If you think the price goes up too much – buy some other wines. There are many, many wines made in France (and other countries) today of excellent or outstanding quality but that do not have the famous name and label of the top Bordeaux wines and that you can buy at very reasonable prices. Buy those wines instead of overpriced Bordeaux. (There are also many “lesser” Bordeaux wines that are not expensive at all and very good.)

No reason to complain today when there are so much good wines around. By the way, the same can be said for many other highly acclaimed wines from other regions: Burgundy, California, Spain, Italy,… Don’t complain about the prices. Buy something else instead, that is less costly and just as good! Read the BKWine Brief and we will tell you what our recommendations are.

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