The Wine Media Conference 2020 is about to kick-off

The Wine Media Conference (WMC), what was once called the Wine Bloggers Conference, has moved online this year and is available for everyone, free of charge. It will be three days of conferences – webinars – on subjects relating to writing about wine online and in print.

Wine business in general is in a flux as is wine writing. So the WMC is filled with sessions that tries to clarify what is coming in the next year or two for all of us who are writing on wine (or food or travel) in print or online: social media, video and podcasting, improving your SEO, make better photos, write better, find new subjects, find new outlets and plenty of other things. Take a look at the full WMC agenda here.

There is a long list of very interesting speakers. Take you pick and register for the sessions that you think sound interesting.

If you are interested in the intersection between wine writing and travel writing I am talking on the panel of a session called “Travel Writing for Wine Media”  on Saturday August 22, at 11 AM PT/ 2 PM ET, or, from my perspective, at 20.00 Paris time. It also includes Marcy Gordon, freelance wine and travel writer, and Frank Morgan of DrinkWhatYouLike as moderator.

There are plenty of subjects and anyone interested in wine writing should be able to find something of interest.

The Food and Travel Writing for Wine Media session at the Wine Media Conference 2020
One of the world's most amazing bookshops: El Ateneo Grand Splendid in a converted theatre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
One of the world's most amazing bookshops: El Ateneo Grand Splendid in a converted theatre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, copyright BKWine Photography

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