Summer has taken a long time to arrive

Summer has taken a long time to arrive but now we finally have some sunshine and nice temperatures here. But with such a slow moving (and cold) spring it is perhaps a good idea to think of extending summer and autumn with a trip to some warmer climes. Why not set aside a few days for a wine tour to France or Portugal with BKWine this autumn? It is high time to book your places now! Call me on 0033 680 45 35 70 or email me for information and booking!

I have recently been in the jury for a couple of wine competitions. That is always an interesting exercise. You taste a lot of good (and some bad) wines. It was the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (in Portugal…) and the Coup de Coeur des Femmes Journalistes in Montpellier. Read about some of my recommendations below.

Global warming is not something we have seen too much of so far this year but it is something some vignerons are concerned about – for instance Torres. California beat France hands down in the rerun of the legendary (?) Paris tasting of 1976. Taittinger returns to French hands. Several new articles of BKWine’s guest writers. A magnificent (yes) wine gadget that actually works for those of you who do not finish the whole bottle at once. Wine grape statistics (do you know which is the most planted grape in France?).

And more – to read in this month’s Brief.

And don’t forget to remember that thing about wine tours. I would much appreciate a call!


PS: Recommend to your friends to read the Brief or forward it to them !

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