Robert Parker changes shape

Perhaps a bit cryptic as a heading. Many people probably think that what is referred to as Robert Parker’s ratings (and comments) come from the famous wine critic himself. Of course, that is partially true, but he actually has a staff of collaborators who work (and taste) for him: Pierre-Antoine Rovani writes e.g. about many parts of France, Daniel Thomases writes about Italy and David Schildknecht about German and Austrian wines. Changes will come though. Rovani is leaving “the firm” and also Thomases will be leaving. Schildknecht, however, is staying on. Latest news is that Schildknecht will take over much of France (except “core” regions that stay with Parker). There will be two new staff: Antonio Galloni who will cover Italy and Jay Miller who will write about much of the world outside of Europe plus Portugal. Read more in The Wine Enthusiast and

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