Pichon Lalande sold to Roederer

It has been in the making for quite some time and now it’s done. Chateau Pichon-Lalande (one of the so-called “super seconds” in Pauillac) has been sold to the Rouzaud family. The deal also includes Chateau Bernadotte (previously Le Fournas Bernadotte) and Glenelly in South Africa. Rouzaud will buy the majority shareholding from the current owner, May-Eliane de Lencquesaing. The Rouzaud family owns Champagne Roederer and also Ch de Pez and Ch Haut Beausejour in St Estephe, Champagne Deutz with Maison Delas in the Rhone Valley, Ramos Pinto (port), Domaine Ott (Provence), Roederer Estate and Scharffenberger in California. Read more on Decanter.com and on Vitisphere.com

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