Patagonian wines from Argentina

Argentina is mainly know for the Mendoza wines but since the beginning of the decade massive investments (partially state subsidised) have been done in Patagonia, a bit south of Mendoza. The landscape is flat and desolate; it is a desert that has been made arable thanks to irrigation with water from the Andes. Already after just a few years some of the wines are pretty good. BKWine was there in August and visited some of the producers: Bodegas Arquen, Shroeder / Saurus, NQN (Neuquen – which is the name of the city), Anelo / Finca Roja, and (the very appropriately named) Fin del Mundo. Never before have we seen so may shining new wineries in one place with so much money invested in developing vineyards. Read about the visit here (a short exercise in Spanish): (Photo: La Manana Neuquen) . It shows me, Mark Golodetz from the Wine Enthusiast/USA, Eduardo Viotti, Market Press/Brazil, and the BKWine photographer)

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