Partial victory against contents thief

A few days ago I posted a long description of a situation where a site ( Gibbston Gables is stealing my contents and reposting it on their site.

Here’s the description of the inappropriate use of contents (scraping / splogging).

I had a quick response the my DMCA notification: I received today a notification from The Planet that the offending site has removed my contents.

Well, they have. But they have also made a new post that scrapes my contents.

I have also had some response from other people which have been the subject of scraping by this site, with varying result: some say thanks and will take action (good!), others say that their happy that anyone uses their material in any way at all (bad!).

So I will just have to
a) follow up with the hoster and complain again
b) watch the and see if they continue to steal my contents

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