Organic wine fair Millésime Bio attracts more visitors

Millésime Bio, the “organic wine fair” recently held in Narbonne saw visitor numbers grow with 33%. England and Germany were the two foreign countries best represented. World production of wine from land under “agriculture Biologique” is 365 000 hectolitre, up 12% from last year. (NB: there is, in principle, no “organic wine”, only “wine produced from grapes grown organically”)
– Argentina 1700 hl, 21 ha
– Spain 63 720 hl, 1505 ha
– France 212 169 hl, 4 973 ha
– Italy 18 552 hl, 311 ha
– Portugal 300 hl, 50 ha
– Switzerland 800 hl, 11 ha
– Négoce 67 500 hl
(Source: Millésime Bio,

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