New rules in Alsace

INAO has introduced some new or changed rules for Alsace wines: Planting density must be at least 4500 vines per hectare, training must be in simple Guyot with at the most 8-10 “eyes”. Alsace Grand Cru must be made from one single grape variety; permitted Grand Cru wine varieties are Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Muscat à Petits Grains, Muscat Ottonel. (Grand Cru Altenberg de Bergheim and Zotzenberg have more sever restrictions.) Maximum ”agronomic” yield is 10,100 kg/ha. Minimum alcohol contents is 12.5% for Pinot Gris and 11% for the other varieties. The new rules will initially only apply to vineyards planted after 2000.

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