New appellation AOC Beaume de Venise

The Journal Officel of October 25 published the rules for the new appellation AOC Beaumes de Venise. This can be seen as an evolution of the rules for the previous appellation Côtes du Rhône Villages-Beaumes de Venise that is now supersede by AC Beaume de Venise. The rules specify (among other things):

  • the wine is produced in four communes in Vaucluse: Beaumes-de-Venise, Lafare, Suzette and La Roque-Alric;
  • the main grape varieties are Grenache and Syrah
  • the yield is limited to: ’rendement de base’ 38 hl/ha, ’rendement butoir’ 42 hl/ha, ’rendement maximum de production’ 50 hl/ha
  • wines from the 2004 harvest may carry the new appellation

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