More news about the reclassification of Graves

As we have mentioned previously, the process has been started to revise the classification in Graves. We recently had the occasion to talk to the presidents of the “syndicates” (growers’ associations) of Graves and of Pessac-Léognan.

Dominique Haverlan, president of the Syndicat de Graves (and owner of Vieux Chateau Gaubert, one of the better Grave wines) says that he thinks it is good that the classification will now be revised. It is a sign of dynamism, he thinks. Laurent Cogombles, president of the Pessac-Léognan syndicat and owner together with his wife of Chateau Bouscaut is a bit more hesitant, and more so to classifications in general. – “On what do you base a classification?” he asks “Well, on the price”, he continues “and to find the expensive wines the consumer hardly needs a classification”. With much reason, on can think, since it is difficult to imagine any other more “impartial” way of doing a classification. And Xavier Perromat, owner of Chateau du Mayne in Graves, and General Secretary of the Graves syndicat, thinks that in a period of crisis, such as now, there might be more important things do, like promoting the region for example. Not a bad idea that either maybe. So, different views. Maybe we will see the result in 3 to 5 years. (Note: All chateaux that were classified in the “old” 1953 classification is in the Pessac-Léognan AC.)

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