Jaboulet in the Rhône Valley to be sold to Swiss financier?

Press information reports that the big Rhône producer Jaboulet is on the verge of being sold to the Swiss financier Jean-Jacques Frey. Jaboulet is one of the most famous and biggest producers in northern Rhône (together with Chapoutier and Guigal). They are the producer of the reputed Hermitage La Chapelle. But recently the dynamism has maybe been lacking a bit. The deal includes 22 hectares of land in Hermitage and 62 ha in other ACs (Crozes-hermitage, Cornas, Condrieu, St-Joseph, St Péray). Frey already owns some other wine estates: Chateau La Lagune in Bordeaux, Champagne Ayala, and Champagne Billecart-salmon (part owner).

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