Higher Gastronomic Education

Institut des Hautes Etudes du Goût de la Gastronomie et les Arts de la Table

Behind this long name hides an interesting education that was created two years ago in the capital of the Champagne district, Reims. The institute is formally part of the Reims University and has backing from solid partners such as Remy Cointreau, Alain Ducasse, Château Margaux, Grand Marnier, Michelin, Cordon Blue and others. The program is primarily aimed at professionals in the food and drinks sector who want a high level perspective and understanding of gastronomy and taste. It consists of two modules of two intense weeks each with technical and economic lectures by leaders in their field. There are also some “pedagogical meals” where the theories are applied. The program is bilingual English and French. Students come with very different backgrounds. This year’s students were e.g. a sommelier and consultant from Sweden, a Japanese journalist, a French cook and restaurant owner, a communications specialist in the wine trade, an American patisserie chef and guest house owner, a Norwegian cooking school headmaster,… BKWine sat in on a few lectures and can testify that:

  • the professors are of a very high standard (many are “the famous names” in their speciality)
  • it is not about learning how to cook but rather about understanding why things taste as it does and why things should be prepared in certain ways, and understanding the contexts
  • you need some kind of solid background in gastronomy to really benefit from the program

For more information
or contact Ragnar Fridriksson
Ambassador for Hautes Etudes du Goût
Ph: +33-(0)3 26 05 66 28
Mob:+33-(0)6 64 22 33 21
email: ragnar-at-neuf-dot-fr

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