Haslemere Wine Fest on 15 September

Haslemere Wine Fest
Haslemere Wine Fest

Apparently they have become pretty good at making wine in England these days. I haven’t had the opportunity to try any of the recent wines myself but if you are interested (I do hope you are!) then you can taste a wide range of wines from Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire on Saturday 15 September at the Haslemere Wine Fest.

The Haslemere Wine Fest will feature for example: Bluebell Vineyard, Breaky Bottom, Bolney Wine Estate, Danebury Vineyard, Davenport Vineyard, Fernhurst Estate, Henners, Jenkyn Place, Nutbourne Vineyards, Nyetimber, Ridgeview, Stopham Estate, Tinwood Estate, Upperton Vineyard, Wickham Estate. An occasion not to miss!

More info and tickets (£10) here: https://www.wine-navigator.com/

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