Graves Facts

Graves, just south of the city of Bordeaux, has three appellations: AC Graves, AC Graves Supérieures and AC Pessac-Léognan. Pessac-Léognan was part of AC Graves until 1987 when it became a separate AC. The surface of the G and GS appellation (excluding P-L) is 3800 hectares (2004), of which a little more than two thirds are red and one third produces white wines. Less and less white wine is (unfortunately!) made. Graves and Pessac-Léognan make both red wine and dry white wine. Graves Supérieures only makes semi-sweet and sweet white, most of which is exported to Holland(!). The grape varieties are: Red wines: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, and Cot (Malbec). White wines: Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillon and Muscadelle.

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