Gérad Bertrand buys Domaine de l’Aigle in Languedoc

At the other end, so to speak, Antonin Rodet sells the property Domaine de l’Aigle in Languedoc (Limoux) to Gérard Bertrand. Domaine de l’Aigle was created by Jean-Louis Denois who sold it to Rodet some years back. Dom. de l’Aigle is perhaps too far away from Burgundy for the Burgundians to quite grasp how to develop this not very well known property, but who makes very interesting wines from Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Gérard Bertrand is one of the “new and big” players in Languedoc. He already owns several properties in the regions, e.g. the well known Domaine de l’Hospitalet. vitisphere.com

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