Do you want to buy a vineyard?

When recently in Burgundy we discussed vineyard land prices. We thought that it might be interesting for you who are dreaming of buying a few vines to know the approximate price levels. But don’t take it too serious. It is not a statistically grounded survey… – You can get a hectare of AC Bourgogne at entry level (the simplest terroir) for around 80,000€.

The prices then go up to 3,000,000€ per hectare for the top quality plots on Grand Cru.

But that, of course, does not include the very elite of vineyards like Romanée Conti and the likes, that simply do not have prices. So, you could get a hectare of Corton Grand Cru (not bad!) for around 1,000,000€. In other words, 100€ per vine! (And you will get less than half a bottle of wine from that vine…) Maybe we should look at another region?


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