There are a lot of things on the Digital Wine Communictions conference program, EWBC 2012

It is soon time to got to the EWBC 2012, or if you prefer, the Digital Wine Communications Conference in Izmir, Turkey. (tags #EWBC and #EWBC12)

Not shying from hyperbole it is called ”the most important wine event of the year” and is filled with discussions, workshops, presentations etc about wine. About Turkish wines of course but mostly about wine in general and about online communications about wine.

I will be there, the third conference of this kind that I participate in. I will even be speaking on one of the panels, on ”Travel, Food and Wine in Context” which translates into a workshop, or panel discussion around communicating online about wine travel and tourism. (Perhaps motivated by, and allow me some indirect hyperbole too, that we have been named one of ”the world’s top wine tours” organisers by Travel + Leisure. But whatever the reason it is great fun to participate.)

Today I was trying to plan my participation, looking over the several different streams of workshops and meetings:

  • Indigenous Turkish Grape Varieties Tasting
  • Managing Oxygen in Wine
  • Natural Wine Debate
  • Tech for Better Communications
  • Sources of Income – Monetizing your content
  • etc etc

Lots of interesting things. Not easy to chose and not easy to get an overview. So I tried to print the schedule to have something easier to plan from. Have you ever tried to print a big web page table? If you have you know it is not easy.

I gave up and transformed it all into a more easily manageable format (which took quite some time). Perhaps someone else can find a printable version of the program useful too, so here it is:

The conference program for the EWBC 2012, Digital Wine Communications Conference / European Wine Bloggers Conference in Izmir, Turkey (pdf-format)

Here is the official online version of the EWBC program, with lots of useful links to who the speakers are and other interesting info. Very useful!

(On the other hand, to be quite honest, meeting all the people who are there, and having the occasion to travel around Turkey a bit is probably more important than the actual conference part…)

This is where it takes place:

European Wine Bloggers Conference Map, This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license from You are free to use and change it but it requires to remain under the same or similar license.


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