Crowds in the vineyard – 17,000 vines per hectare

Dela / gilla:

– Chateau de Tracy has just launched a new cuvée called “Haute Densité”, or simply HD. 2004 is the first vintage of the peculiar wine from one of the best estates in Pouilly-Fumé. The wine comes from a 1 ha vineyard on Kimmeridge soil. It is planted with a density of 17,000 vines per ha! Quite extraordinarily dense; generally, vineyards are considered to be densely planted with “just” 8-10,000 vines per ha. Why plant so densely?

The winemaker Laurent Pataille answers: “It increases the competition between the vines and gives the wine more concentration since we only have two bunches of grapes per vine”. The result? An elegant wine with flowery aromas, very mineral, and a long and powerful taste (45 euro at the estate). Impressive for vines that are only a few years old.

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