Coup de Coeur des femmes journalistes

The cooperative wine producers in the French departement l’Hérault organise a yearly wine competition followed by a “final” called “Coup de Coeur des femmes journalistes” (best-of selected by women journalists). 15 female writers are invited to taste the gold medal winners in the preceding competition and to choose their preferred red, white and rosé. These three wines will for the following year represent the Hérault cooperatives at all official occasions. This year BKWine was part group – the only non-French journalist on the jury. Quality was overall high on the wines tasted. The red winner – coup de coeur – was called ”Etnik” from the cooperative in Montpeyroux. It even has a modern design label that should appeal to a younger market and on export. These are the wines the jury selected:

  • Rosé: Cuvée Sabel Rosé 2005, Vin de Pays d’Oc, Clocher et Terroirs.
  • Red: Cuvée Etnik 2005, Vin de Pays de Mont Baudille
  • White: Cuvée « Fleurs de Montblanc »: Vin de Pays des Côtes de Thongue

More info: (be sure to click the big picture on the welcome page, otherwise you’ll get last year’s result…)

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