Comments – Systembolaget dishes out penalties to some of the companies suspected for bribery

On September 2 Anitra Steen, Managing Director of Systembolaget AB, announced what measures would be taken by Systembolaget against some of the companies suspected of bribery. Systembolaget is the state owned company that has the monopoly on all retail sales to consumers of alcohol (wine, beer, spirits). Systembolaget has decided to annul purchasing agreements with three importers: Philipson & Söderberg, agreements representing a sales volume of 17 million kroner (4% of the company’s turnover with Systembolaget); Åkesson, 5 million kroner (10% of t/o); and for the third importer, VinTradgårdh, all of the company’s purchasing agreements with Systembolaget are cancelled. In other words, VinTradgårdh is no longer a supplier to Systembolaget. Systembolaget says that the cancellations are an effect of “breach of contract” and not an effect of the alleged bribes. However, some of the companies suspected of bribery have not been touched by these punitive actions. For example, V&S Vin & Sprit, who has several employees involved in the affair and suspected of bribery, has not had any agreements cancelled. V&S Vin & Sprit is the largest Swedish importer and is, just like Systembolaget, state owned. One can only assume that they have not been so abominable as the others. Systembolaget also claims that these punishments should have no effect for consumers or for producers. Producers are welcome to supply their wines through other importers. It seems a rather naïve way of looking at things. Here is the list of the products that are hit by the punitive action.

Here is the list of the products that are hit by the punitive action.

Read more in The Local.

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