“It can’t get any better!” says a customer

We love hearing from our guest, the travellers, on our tours. This past autumn we had a wine tour to the Piedmont (or Piemonte if we stick to Italian). It had of course plenty of winery visits, vineyards, and tastings but it also included a visit to the famous truffles market in Alba with the exclusive white truffle.

Read more on BKWine Tours’ Travel Blog on the quite extensive customer feedback we had: “It can’t get any better!” – on our wine tours.

Serralunga in Barolo, Piedmont
Serralunga in Barolo, Piedmont, copyright BKWine Photography
The La Spinetta wine cellar in Piedmont
The La Spinetta wine cellar in Piedmont, copyright BKWine Photography
Old oak vats in a wine cellar in Piedmont
Old oak vats in a wine cellar in Piedmont, copyright BKWine Photography

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