” Can burying cow horns filled with manure in your vineyard result in better wines?”

That’s the starting point for an article on Bloomberg about biodynamic wines. Biodynamism has for quite some time been popular with a small group of dedicated winemakers – sometimes verging on philosophers – in France. Lately it has become increasingly popular with biodynamism or similar practices: “lutte raisonné”, organic etc. Disregarding the theories and philosophy behind it, on can only conclude that many of these producer make excellent wines but it is of course difficult to know whether it is due to the philosophies or if it is thanks to the attention of the winemaker. Now this trend is apparently spreading even to the US. Here are some examples of American “bio-producers”: Robert Sinskey, Grgich Hills, Dark Horse Ranch, Les Dijonnais, Cailloux Vineyards, Quintessa, Crane Vineyards. Read more on Bloomberg.com

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