Californian vintage wine with 15% younger wine?

U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB) has proposed a change in the rules for labelling vintage wines: the proposal says that it would suffice with 85% of the wine to come from one vintage to be allowed to put the year ion the label. Today it has to be 95% from the specified vintage. The proposal only cconcerns state or county labelled wines (e.g. Monterey County or Sonoma County). More exact designations (like for example Napa Valley) would keep the 95% rule. Both Napa Valley Vintners and California Association of Winegrape Growers are expected to opposed the proposal. As they say in the Sanfransisco Chronicle, there is a risk that the consumer and the press might interpret the change as a lowering of quality requirements in Californian wines. Perhaps not so surprising, is it? Read more on

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