New Brief out, #130: New book, 50M E winery in Sweden, low alcohol, rosé, wine tours etc | The Wine Newsletter

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Per Karlsson portrait Britt Karlsson portraitIt’s summertime and you long for white wines, right? There are so many white wines suitable for summer food. You can find a white wine to go with everything you eat, except perhaps lamb and beef. But if you need too, you could probably find some powerful whites that could take on these two kinds of meat, too. White wines from Languedoc and the Southern Rhone Valley, for instance.

In summer you probably have the occasional meal outdoors. Is it harder to drink wine outdoors? Maybe not to drink wine. But to taste the wine outdoors, yes, it is a bit trickier. The wind, the flowers, the ocean, or whatever it may be is competing with the wine’s aromas.

We do not usually drink our rare and precious bottles outdoors. The wines that we really want to experience all the nuances of, we don’t drink outdoors. But otherwise it’s just a pleasure to enjoy a meal outside. And in Paris, we don’t have many wasps or mosquitos, a big plus!

We are also keen to mention that we have a very first English language edition of one of our books coming out this autumn. The English title is Biodynamic, Organic and Natural Winemaking, Sustainable Viticulture and Viniculture. It is a book for those who want to understand what this is about and want to find some of the best wine producers. Launch details are not yet ready so we will come back with more info later.

More and more of our wine friends have found the way to the social network (a nicer sounding name would have been welcome). It is nice with a new way to keep in contact.

If you are on Facebook, do “like” our pages. We would very much appreciate it!:

And if you are on Twitter you can find BKWine on Twitter here.

A brief reminder on this autumn’s wine tours. The Bordeaux tour is fully booked so we cannot take any more Bordeaux lovers on that. But we do have spaces left on the wine tour to the Douro Valley vineyards. The Douro is a strong contender for being the world’s most spectacular vineyard landscape. And the wines are excellent too. Book now.

We have now also officially launched the two “winter” wine tours, two far-away wine destinations. You can read more about it in the Brief. Both tours are to the southern hemisphere and require perhaps a little bit more forward planning. Both are extraordinary tours, if I may say so myself… Book now:

Have a nice summer. This Brief gives you some extra summer reading.

Britt & Per

PS: Recommend to your friends to read the Brief !

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[box type=”note” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]This is just the introduction to the latest issue of the Brief. Subscribe to the BKWine Brief and you will get the whole edition in your mailbox next month.[/box]

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