Book Review – Touring in Wine Country Burgundy/Bordeaux/Loire/Rhône/Provence

These books were published some years ago but they are books that you don’t want to be without if you travel in wine country. Indispensable. It is a series edited by Hugh Johnson and written by the Duthc author Hubrecht Duijker. (We have not seen the Provence book.) Each book is in a convenient pocket format, following the same logic: the wine region is described sub-district by sub-district, the wines are commented, and some good growers are put forward. There are also some short suggestions for hotels, restaurants and tourist sights. But the best part of the books are the maps: eften very detailed, with suggestions for roads to take, some wine producers and vineyards marked on the maps etc. More or less the same maps as in The Atlas (Hugh J’s) but in a packaging that is perfect for travelling. Buy them and you’ll be urging to get going. (And then you can go on a wine tour with BKWine!)

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