BKWine Travel Stories: Antibes, French Riviera

Yesterday we arrived in a nice late afternoon sunshine and a weatehr that is definitely much more clement than when we left Paris.

Antibes has one of the most amazing collection of boats (ships, yachts… seating up to 60 in the dining room) and after having inspected the ”boats” we go looking for a restaurant.

A very nice (but unfortunately underpopulated a January Wednesday) La Forge, newly opened, proves to be a good choice. Small, cozy, friendly service. We hve a quite decent Domaine Tamary Provence red wine with the meal.

As for the hotel, we’re staying at the Relais du Postillon in the centre of the town. Very nice, quite simple. Wonderful duvet bed cover – all too rare in French hotels (more common with plain blankets). If you go there you should opt for the top floor(s) rooms facing the square. They have a wonderful view.

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