Auction 2: The Swedish monopoly completes it’s autumn wine auction

The third Swedish wine auction was held by the monopoly Systembolaget on November 29. Their wine valuation expert Maria Laurila was happy with the result: “we see it as a confirmation that there is a market for drinks auctions in Sweden”. 90% of the 503 numbers were sold for a total sum of 4.1 million kronor (433,000 euro), which was in the middle of the range of estimates. The highest price was fetched by 57 vintages of Mouton-Rothschild (1945-2000) that sold for 175,000 kr (18,500 eur). It was a rerun from the last auction when that lot remained unsold. The highest price for a single bottle went to a double magnum of Le Montrachet DRC 1983 that someone paid 58,000 kr (6,100 eur) for.
Photo: Systembolaget

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