A new BKWine Brief is out

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Here’s the introduction:

Quite a few restaurant and producer recommendations in this Brief. The two selected producers I have for you are very interesting: An unusual, and very dynamic champagne producer and one of the new generation of Rhône producers (but already famous enough to hardly have any wine left to sell!)

Guest Writers

I’d like to tell you about one of the pages of the site that I think deserves to be a bit better known: the Guest Writer page. You will find article on very varying subjects written by friends of BKWine: Armagnac, Coteaux Lyonnais, Wine Culture, Why You Get a headache from Red Wine and others. Many are in English and some are in other languages (that’s the challenge of trying to run a multicultural activity…).

Truffles, Wine and Olive Oil

I must also tell you about a really interesting tour that I have scheduled for early next year: the Truffles, Olive Oil and Wine Tour in the Southern Rhône Valley. I can promise you that it is a really unusual experience to go truffles hunting a cold February morning – and then warm up over lunch with a 100% truffles lunch. Read more about it below. But don’t delay booking if you are interested. Last booking date is soon.

And by the way, the rest of next year’s program is on its way. Some of the trips are already fixed. Take a look below.

For the next brief I plan to give you a few suggestions for Christmas gifts, so welcome back in a few weeks’ time.


PS: Recommend to your friends to read the Brief or forward it to them !

More here soon!

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