New wine magazine launched #1: Terre de Vins
It’s not every day, with the implosion of the advertising market, that a new wine magazine is launched. To be fair, Terre de Vins has existed for quite a few years, but as a magazine
It’s not every day, with the implosion of the advertising market, that a new wine magazine is launched. To be fair, Terre de Vins has existed for quite a few years, but as a magazine
The total has now reached 280 with the addition of eight new Masters of Wine (MW) in the latest round of diploma attribution. MW is a much coveted British diploma that shows that you know
The exports from Argentina of malbec wines grew with 28% in value and 29% in volume for the first six months 2009. Nice with positivie numbers for a change these days! The biggest export markets
It is probably quite some time since someone launched a new sherry bodega. But now it has happened. The Spanish Ruiz family, headed by Alonso Ruiz has just launched Bodegas Urium. Undoubtedly a very ambitious
St Vincent Tournante i Chablis är två dagar med vinprovande, god mat och festande. Denna gång blir det helgen 6-7 februari. Mer info finns på
The price comparison search engine Twenga has analysed how their visitors search for wine in different countries. Here are some statistics: – France: 86% of searches are for French wine– Italy: 52% are for Italian
Millesime Bio is a wine show that focuses on wine producers who work organically or with biodynamic principles. It has grown substantially over recent years and is now probably the biggest event for organic wine.
Det har varit mycket rabalder i år om hur mycket man ska få skörda i Champagne. Märkligt nog sätts inte gränsen för skördeuttaget förrän i början på september. På grund av raset i försäljningen ville
”Hur gör man sig en liten förmögenhet på vin? – Man startar med en stor förmögenhet”. Så går historien. Många rika personer tycker att det kan vara roligt att ha en liten vingård. Chateau Latour,
Det är faktiskt väldigt få som har vingårdar i både Bordeaux och i Bourgogne. En av de som har är Eduard Labruyère som äger Domaine Jacques Prieur i Bourgogne och chateau Rouget i Pomerol. Jane
ViniPortugal, marknadsföringsorganisationen för portugisiska viner, delar varje år ut stipendium för en resa till Portugal till förtjänta studerande på sommelierskolor i Skandinavien. Årets stipendiemottagare blev: – Nina Nylander från Restauranghögskolan i Grythyttan – Adam Wirdahl
At least figuratively speaking. Vininews was a site that published video interviews and reportage from vineyards and wine regions on their site Vininews. But the latest message from them said that they are closing down
While researching some other things I stumbled over an old post by How To Photograph Wine Bottles – 10 tips. Considering the quality of the bottle shots you sometimes see in blogs this is
Three other reports (working papers) have recently been published by the American Association of Wine Economists, all of the interesting, if a bit specialised. All are available for free on the AAWE site: – Message
Is it a sign of quality if a wine has been give a medal in a wine competition? That’s the question that Robert T Hodgson asked himself, and decided to investigate. His analysis, based on
The European Wine Bloggers Conference takes place on the last weekend of October. It is a unique occasion to meet wine bloggers from all over Europe, and even beyond. More than a dozen countries will
”På tio år har det statliga monopolet blivit en av de mest stölddrabbade butikskedjorna i Västsverige” skriver Göteborgs-Posten. Förklaringen är förstås självbetjäningsbutikerna som nu snart är allenarådande. Ofta är det missbrukare som stjäl i butikerna
Det kan man fråga sig. Fast svaret är ju inte så komplicerat. Men intressant kan det ju vara att se hur man ser på det från utlandet. Jessica Karagöl, i Tyskland har skrivit en artikel
If you spray the vines with a mix of nitrogen and sulphur the resulting wines will have a more pronounced aromatic character, in particular for white aromatic varieties (e.g. sauvignon blanc). The treatment stimulates production
A few years ago (2003) Cru Bourgeois classification had the same unpleasant experience as the Saint Emilion one: a revised classification was challenged in court as being unfair and unjust. The plaintiffs won and the
En av grundarna till Barrique vinbar i Göteborg, Rolf Olofsson, har slagit sig ner i Guangzhou i den sydliga provinsen Kanton i Kina. Man hade premiär på baren, restaurangen och köket 16 juli – två
According to estimates by Vignerons Idependents this years wine harvest will start early August for the Côtes de Provence, August 23 in Chateauneuf-du-Pape, around August 28 in Bandol and Coteaux Varois, September 15 in Anjou
The fastes growing wine brands on the market in Great Britain are (source: OLN, Nielsen, MAT): – Yellow Tail, +190%– FirstCape, 135%– Ogio, 118%– Viña Maipo, 86%– Arniston Bay, 42%– Lindemans, 33%– McGuigan, 32%– Isla
The French barrel making federation (Tonneliers de France) have created a “charter”, which, like an appellation controlée for wine, defines the origin of the wood used to making the barrel. The charter states that if
Vines can be attacked by many different diseases and other evils, e.g. the wine louse, mildew, rot, and many other things. One dreaded disease is “fanleaf degeneration” (or grapevine fanleaf virus) that is caused by,
Domaine Laroche, the big Chablis producer, is in discussions with Jeanjean, a negociant in the Languedoc, about a sale of the domaine. Laroche is one of the biggest producers in Chablis. They also have properties
An experimental vineyard of 3 hectares will be planted in Siberia, as an experiment to develop winemaking in northern climates. The vineyard is in the Russian republic of Altai, in southern Siberia, not far from
But then you’ll get the entire chateau. According to reports in Decanter the (relatively) famous Chateau de Malle in Sauternes is on sale for € 68M. An anonymous ad first appeared in the Financial Times
40 % verkar just nu vara en magisk, eller snarare hemsökande, siffra för Champagne, enligt vad The Drinks Business skriver. Enligt CIVC:s senaste siffror sjönk leveranser av champagne till Storbritannien med 39 % under de
Starbucks är världens största kedja av kaffebarer, mest känd för sina underliga blandningar med underliga namn. Men också för sin utmärkta espresso. Starbucks har nu lanserat tre experimentbutiker/barer i Seattle som även kommer att sälja
It’s not every day, with the implosion of the advertising market, that a new wine magazine is launched. To be fair, Terre de Vins has
The total has now reached 280 with the addition of eight new Masters of Wine (MW) in the latest round of diploma attribution. MW is
The exports from Argentina of malbec wines grew with 28% in value and 29% in volume for the first six months 2009. Nice with positivie
It is probably quite some time since someone launched a new sherry bodega. But now it has happened. The Spanish Ruiz family, headed by Alonso
St Vincent Tournante i Chablis är två dagar med vinprovande, god mat och festande. Denna gång blir det helgen 6-7 februari. Mer info finns på
The price comparison search engine Twenga has analysed how their visitors search for wine in different countries. Here are some statistics: – France: 86% of
Millesime Bio is a wine show that focuses on wine producers who work organically or with biodynamic principles. It has grown substantially over recent years
Det har varit mycket rabalder i år om hur mycket man ska få skörda i Champagne. Märkligt nog sätts inte gränsen för skördeuttaget förrän i
”Hur gör man sig en liten förmögenhet på vin? – Man startar med en stor förmögenhet”. Så går historien. Många rika personer tycker att det
Det är faktiskt väldigt få som har vingårdar i både Bordeaux och i Bourgogne. En av de som har är Eduard Labruyère som äger Domaine
ViniPortugal, marknadsföringsorganisationen för portugisiska viner, delar varje år ut stipendium för en resa till Portugal till förtjänta studerande på sommelierskolor i Skandinavien. Årets stipendiemottagare blev:
At least figuratively speaking. Vininews was a site that published video interviews and reportage from vineyards and wine regions on their site Vininews. But the
While researching some other things I stumbled over an old post by How To Photograph Wine Bottles – 10 tips. Considering the quality of
Three other reports (working papers) have recently been published by the American Association of Wine Economists, all of the interesting, if a bit specialised. All
Is it a sign of quality if a wine has been give a medal in a wine competition? That’s the question that Robert T Hodgson
The European Wine Bloggers Conference takes place on the last weekend of October. It is a unique occasion to meet wine bloggers from all over
”På tio år har det statliga monopolet blivit en av de mest stölddrabbade butikskedjorna i Västsverige” skriver Göteborgs-Posten. Förklaringen är förstås självbetjäningsbutikerna som nu snart
Det kan man fråga sig. Fast svaret är ju inte så komplicerat. Men intressant kan det ju vara att se hur man ser på det
If you spray the vines with a mix of nitrogen and sulphur the resulting wines will have a more pronounced aromatic character, in particular for
A few years ago (2003) Cru Bourgeois classification had the same unpleasant experience as the Saint Emilion one: a revised classification was challenged in court
En av grundarna till Barrique vinbar i Göteborg, Rolf Olofsson, har slagit sig ner i Guangzhou i den sydliga provinsen Kanton i Kina. Man hade
According to estimates by Vignerons Idependents this years wine harvest will start early August for the Côtes de Provence, August 23 in Chateauneuf-du-Pape, around August
The fastes growing wine brands on the market in Great Britain are (source: OLN, Nielsen, MAT): – Yellow Tail, +190%– FirstCape, 135%– Ogio, 118%– Viña
The French barrel making federation (Tonneliers de France) have created a “charter”, which, like an appellation controlée for wine, defines the origin of the wood
Vines can be attacked by many different diseases and other evils, e.g. the wine louse, mildew, rot, and many other things. One dreaded disease is
Domaine Laroche, the big Chablis producer, is in discussions with Jeanjean, a negociant in the Languedoc, about a sale of the domaine. Laroche is one
An experimental vineyard of 3 hectares will be planted in Siberia, as an experiment to develop winemaking in northern climates. The vineyard is in the
But then you’ll get the entire chateau. According to reports in Decanter the (relatively) famous Chateau de Malle in Sauternes is on sale for €
40 % verkar just nu vara en magisk, eller snarare hemsökande, siffra för Champagne, enligt vad The Drinks Business skriver. Enligt CIVC:s senaste siffror sjönk
Starbucks är världens största kedja av kaffebarer, mest känd för sina underliga blandningar med underliga namn. Men också för sin utmärkta espresso. Starbucks har nu
Prenumerera och läs vårt månatliga nyhetsbrev, BKWine Brief, som 25 000 andra vinentusiaster.
Text och bild är upphovsrättsskyddade och får inte användas utan vårt tillstånd. Mer info.
25 000 prenumeranter får vinnyheter varje månad. Du också?