Kategori: Nyheter


Danish wine exported to France

”Nordlund” is a wine grown and produced in Denmark. The producer (Danskt Vin-Center) has now signed a contract with a French importer. We must of course add that Nordlund first came to France in February

Napa Wine Confusion goes to Supreme Court

In earlier Briefs we have talked about the conflict between Bronco Wine Co. and the Napa Valley Vintners. Bronco is selling a wine that is labelled “Napa” but does not contain any grapes from Napa.

Drip nozzle, on a viner irrigation system at Kir-Yianni Winery, Naoussa, Macedonia, Greece

Irrigation will be permitted in France?

Irrigation has long been prohibited in French vineyards. The reasoning being that with water the growers could inflate the grapes, increase production but lower the quality. There is currently a proposal on the table, likely

Chateauonline sold to CL Financial

Chateauonline, probably the most successful European internet wine shop, has been bought by CL Financial. The value of the transaction has not been made public. They control today eg. Hine and Monier cognac and Angostura

Finnish Retailers demand the end of the alcohol monopoly

Päivittäistavarakauppa ry, an organisation representing Finnish retailers, has requested that the EU investigate the Finnish monopoly (Alko). They want that the monopoly should be disbanded since it no longer serves it purpose for “public health”.

Unique new book about Calvados

Henrik Matsson is a Swedish writer who has spent 2 years working on an ambitious venture. He has single handed written, typeset and designed what is in effect the first real book (as far as

New rules for Bandol wine

INAO has defined (somewhat) new rules for Bandol. In short: – Manual harvest is compulsory – Enriching or concentration of the must is not permitted (reverse osmosis, cryo-extraction…) – minimum 18 months in barrel for

Napa Wine Confusion goes to Supreme Court

In earlier Briefs we have talked about the conflict between Bronco Wine Co. and the Napa Valley Vintners. Bronco is selling a wine that is labelled “Napa” but does not contain any grapes from Napa.

Domaine Huet i Vouvray övertagen av amerikaner

En av de mest kända producenterna i Vouvray (och Loire) har, enligt uppgift, nyligen köpts av ett konsortium av en amerikans investerare och en av ungerns ledande vinmakare, Istvan Szepsy (Tokaj). Gaston Huet, förre ägaren

Jean-Pierre Moueix död

Jean-Pierre Moueix dog på fredagen den 28 mars vid en ålder av 90 år. Han grundade ett av de mest inflytelserika vinimperierna i Bordeaux. De kontrollerar fortfarande flera ledande egendomar i Bordeaux, t.ex. Petrus, Trotanoy,

Chateau Margaux sålt

Corinne Mentzelopoulos har återtagit kontrollen av Château Margaux genom att köpa ut den italienska familjen Agnelli. Det har inte offentliggjorts hur mycket det kostade. Hela egendomen uppskattas ha ett värde av 300-400 miljoner euro.

Danish wine exported to France

”Nordlund” is a wine grown and produced in Denmark. The producer (Danskt Vin-Center) has now signed a contract with a French importer. We must of

Drip nozzle, on a viner irrigation system at Kir-Yianni Winery, Naoussa, Macedonia, Greece

Irrigation will be permitted in France?

Irrigation has long been prohibited in French vineyards. The reasoning being that with water the growers could inflate the grapes, increase production but lower the

Chateauonline sold to CL Financial

Chateauonline, probably the most successful European internet wine shop, has been bought by CL Financial. The value of the transaction has not been made public.

Unique new book about Calvados

Henrik Matsson is a Swedish writer who has spent 2 years working on an ambitious venture. He has single handed written, typeset and designed what

New rules for Bandol wine

INAO has defined (somewhat) new rules for Bandol. In short: – Manual harvest is compulsory – Enriching or concentration of the must is not permitted

Jean-Pierre Moueix död

Jean-Pierre Moueix dog på fredagen den 28 mars vid en ålder av 90 år. Han grundade ett av de mest inflytelserika vinimperierna i Bordeaux. De

Chateau Margaux sålt

Corinne Mentzelopoulos har återtagit kontrollen av Château Margaux genom att köpa ut den italienska familjen Agnelli. Det har inte offentliggjorts hur mycket det kostade. Hela

Arkiv månad för månad

Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet!

25 000 prenumeranter får vinnyheter varje månad. Du också?