Kategori: Nyheter


Finland’s largest wine exhibition on March 15-18

Next ViiniExpo will take place in Helsinki on March 15-18, 2006. ViiniExpo is Finland’s largest (and only) wine and spirits show. It is open mainly for professionals, but on March 18 it is also open

Application submitted: Vin de Pays de France

A group of producer organisations have submitted an application for a new appellation called Vin de Pays de France. The idea is that VdP de France would allow producers to make branded wines in large

Wine fights Alzheimer’s disease

As reported in Scientific American: “A chemical compound in wine reduces levels of a harmful molecule linked to Alzheimer’s disease. In a recent study, resveratrol – one of several antioxidants found in wine – helped

Bidders for Lanson

As we have reported earlier, Champagne Lanson is for sale and the French press reports that there are several bidders lurking. Favourite is Champagne Boizel-Chanoine and the other two bidders are LVMH (who already is

Hang time is hotly debated

A ”hot” topic, these days, especially in California, is ”hang time”. hang time means how long the (ripe) grapes are left hanging on the vine before picking. Hang times influences several things: “ripeness” of course,

World’s sparkling wines

For the third time, the competition Effervecents du Monde was held in Dijon on November 17 & 18. Three Great Gold Medals were awarded: Pillitteri Estates Winery in Canada for the Sparkling Icewine Vidal 2004

Argentine wine exports continue to grow

Over the first nine months of 2005 Argentine wine (and must) exports grew by 32% in value (24% in volume), achieving a total value of $307 million. But exports are quite “concentrated”: only 289 producers

André Lurton ”innovates” again

A very common affliction amongs wine producers (and others) is to create a web site that is too ”flashy”. As a visitor you are forced to watch a welcome page that moves around, maybe with

Four new Côtes-du-Rhône Villages villages

Four new villages have gained the right to use their names together with the Côtes-du-Rhône Villages appellation: Massif-d’Uchaux (Vaucluse), Plan-de-Dieu (Vaucluse), Puyméras (Vaucluse) and Signargues (Gard)…! They all make exclusively red wine. This brings the

Oak record!

Do you happen to own an oak forest? Then you might be rich. A cooper in Bordeaux just paid 37,790 euro for a single oak. But it was not just any oak: it was 340

Romanée Conti skapar ”rusning” på Systemet

Systembolaget lanserade en Romanée Conti 2002 i november, som kostade 13.495 kronor (28 flaskor=377.860kr). Enligt uppgifter i pressen orsakade det köer en hel dag före vinet släpptes därför att dagspriset utomlands ligger mycket högre. En

BIG NEWS: Wine Tours in English and Finnish

I will launch two Wine Tours in English Big news from us is that I will launch two Wine Tours in English the coming spring! I hope you will be many who are interested in

Wine and Food Tastings in Paris

With BKWine’s friend Melba Allen-Buillard. For more information and registration contact Melba directly on ph 06 61 60 35 70 or allen_melba%hotmail.com (swap the % with a @ to get the email). Melba is an

The Harvest 2005 – a magnificent vintage

All reports from around France, and what we have seen ourselves, point to 2005 becoming an excellent vintage. In every district we have visited this autumn – Bourgogne, Bordeaux, Alsace, Champagne, Rhône-dalen and Languedoc –

2005 will be a great year in California too

2005 promises to be a great year in California too, both for quality and for quantity. It is estimated that the harvest will reach 3.15 million tons, which is 10-20% above normal. Growers also say

Scandinavian Wine Fair – 11 February 2006

And we don’t mean a wine fair IN Scandinavia but one with wine BY Scandinavians who make wine in wine districts all around the world. BKWine organised the Scandinavian Wine Fair in Paris 2004  and

Salon des Vin de la Loire 6-8 February 2006

Le Salon des Vins de la Loire in Angers is a big professional wine show for Loire wines. Many of the most interesting producers in the Loire Valley are represented. It is an excellent opportunity

New appellation AOC Beaume de Venise

The Journal Officel of October 25 published the rules for the new appellation AOC Beaumes de Venise. This can be seen as an evolution of the rules for the previous appellation Côtes du Rhône Villages-Beaumes

Kosher Wines Gaining Ground?

European Jewish Press reports that kosher wines are gaining in popularity in France. The cite for example that La Revue des Vins de France has commissioned an article on it for a spring edition. In

Wine fights Alzheimer’s disease

As reported in Scientific American: “A chemical compound in wine reduces levels of a harmful molecule linked to Alzheimer’s disease. In a recent study, resveratrol

Bidders for Lanson

As we have reported earlier, Champagne Lanson is for sale and the French press reports that there are several bidders lurking. Favourite is Champagne Boizel-Chanoine

Hang time is hotly debated

A ”hot” topic, these days, especially in California, is ”hang time”. hang time means how long the (ripe) grapes are left hanging on the vine

World’s sparkling wines

For the third time, the competition Effervecents du Monde was held in Dijon on November 17 & 18. Three Great Gold Medals were awarded: Pillitteri

André Lurton ”innovates” again

A very common affliction amongs wine producers (and others) is to create a web site that is too ”flashy”. As a visitor you are forced

Four new Côtes-du-Rhône Villages villages

Four new villages have gained the right to use their names together with the Côtes-du-Rhône Villages appellation: Massif-d’Uchaux (Vaucluse), Plan-de-Dieu (Vaucluse), Puyméras (Vaucluse) and Signargues

Oak record!

Do you happen to own an oak forest? Then you might be rich. A cooper in Bordeaux just paid 37,790 euro for a single oak.

Wine and Food Tastings in Paris

With BKWine’s friend Melba Allen-Buillard. For more information and registration contact Melba directly on ph 06 61 60 35 70 or allen_melba%hotmail.com (swap the %

Kosher Wines Gaining Ground?

European Jewish Press reports that kosher wines are gaining in popularity in France. The cite for example that La Revue des Vins de France has

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