Kategori: Nyheter


Médoc and Bordeaux Statistics

From In Vino Veritas: Total vineyard area in Bordeaux: 122,000 ha. Médoc: 16,000 ha (14% of the total). Médoc appellations, in percentage of total Médoc (volume): Médoc 34% Haut-Médoc 28% Margaux 9% Saint Estephe 8%

German export up 11%

The German wine export grew by 11% in value and 4% in volume over the 12 month period ending in April ’06. It is the popularity of the Riesling grape that is driving demand for

Chateau d’Alesme Backer sold to Labégorce

Hubert Perrodo has just bought Chateau Marquis d’Alesme Becker for an estimated €25-30 million. Perrodo already owns Ch Labégorce and Ch Labégorce Zédé. The deal includes everything except the main chateau building that remains in

New organisation for Languedoc-Roussillon promotion

The collaboration between the different wine regions in southern France is being reinforced. This is no doubt due to the increasing international competition and a desire to pool resources. And it may also be a

Wine, business and marketing

It seems to be the thing to do these days – focus on wine and “business”. (Actually makes a nice change from discussions on “terroir”.) Earlier this year saw the creation of the American Association

Cork statistics

Each year some 17 billion bottles of wine are sold. The way to plug the neck varies greatly from one country to another. Catherine Pivot at the Université de Lyon has collected statistics of the

The EU Wine Production

Some statistics selected from the briefing material released when EU presented it’s discussion proposal for new wine policy: Europe counts for 40% of the world’s wine acreage and 60% of world wine production. It also

Wine pictures update

We have done a major update to the wine photography section on our site. A few thousand new pictures are now available online. Both the northern and the southern Rhône Valley, South America with Argentina

August wine

I hope you have had (or still have) a nice vacation. So far, we have not had much time for holidays ourselves but been busy with several projects. The most exotic one is, no doubt,

Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: About Max Schubert, the creator of the legendary Grange Hermitage (now called only Grange) from Penfold: The Living.Scotsman.com The University of Missouri uses biotechnology to create grapes

Rhône festival in Denmark on September 16

For the third consecutive year Dansk Vincenter near Copenhagen organises the great Danish Rhône Festival. On Saturday September 16 a large number of wines will be presented from the 2003, 2004 and 2005 vintages. More

South Africa Day in Stockholm on October 13

Wines of South Africa (WOSA) organises a South African wine day in Stockholm in the restaurant Operaterassen (part of Operakällaren). More info will (we hope) be published on www.wosa.se

Ekologiska viner allt populärare i Sverige

Försäljningen av ekologiska viner ökade med 56% under 2005. Samma tendens har fortsatt under 2006. Det är dock fortfarande en försvinnande liten del av försäljningen totalt: endast 0,5% är ekologiska. ”Anledningen till det ökade intresset

Parker writes for Business Week

Robert Parker, the world’s best known and influential wine critic, often referred to as ”guru”, will write a weekly column for Business Week magazine, starting on June 16. (BTW a famous economist, often referred to

EU wine policy to be reformed

On June 22 the EU agricultural commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel presented a proposal to reform the cash-consuming wine support policies in the EU. The purpose is to improve the competitiveness of European wines and create

René Renou, president of INAO, passed away

René Renou, president of the INAO, died in his sleep during the night of June 19 while on a business trip to South Korea. He was only 54 years old but suffered from cancer. Renou

French Castel plants vineyards in Azerbaijan

The French wine group Castel is planting new vineyards in Azerbaijan in collaboration with the local government. The plan is to plant 500 hectares, half of which is already planted. The wine is primarily for

Norwegian wins European Championship for sommeliers

The Trophée Ruinart, popularly known as the European Championship for Sommeliers, was won this year by a Norwegian: Robert Lie. Lie works at the luxury restaurant Bagatelle in Oslo. Second place went to Paolo Basso

Black Dead Arm – now in France

It sounds scary and it is not the nicest thing to catch. Black Dead Arm (BDA) is a new kind of disease first discovered in 1999. It is a fungus disease that attacks the vine

Welcome to the BKWine Brief nr 36, June 2006

Finally, it seems, summer is here. Maybe that will be a good time to make some new and enjoyable wine discoveries. Summer wines Why not take a few leisurely afternoons or evenings and discover a

Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: New findings on how soil (or terroir if you wish) influences wine: “A new, improved level of soil mapping” in Wine Business Monthly Pacific Ridge Winery, not

Médoc and Bordeaux Statistics

From In Vino Veritas: Total vineyard area in Bordeaux: 122,000 ha. Médoc: 16,000 ha (14% of the total). Médoc appellations, in percentage of total Médoc

German export up 11%

The German wine export grew by 11% in value and 4% in volume over the 12 month period ending in April ’06. It is the

Wine, business and marketing

It seems to be the thing to do these days – focus on wine and “business”. (Actually makes a nice change from discussions on “terroir”.)

Cork statistics

Each year some 17 billion bottles of wine are sold. The way to plug the neck varies greatly from one country to another. Catherine Pivot

The EU Wine Production

Some statistics selected from the briefing material released when EU presented it’s discussion proposal for new wine policy: Europe counts for 40% of the world’s

Wine pictures update

We have done a major update to the wine photography section on our site. A few thousand new pictures are now available online. Both the

August wine

I hope you have had (or still have) a nice vacation. So far, we have not had much time for holidays ourselves but been busy

Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: About Max Schubert, the creator of the legendary Grange Hermitage (now called only Grange) from Penfold: The

Ekologiska viner allt populärare i Sverige

Försäljningen av ekologiska viner ökade med 56% under 2005. Samma tendens har fortsatt under 2006. Det är dock fortfarande en försvinnande liten del av försäljningen

Parker writes for Business Week

Robert Parker, the world’s best known and influential wine critic, often referred to as ”guru”, will write a weekly column for Business Week magazine, starting

EU wine policy to be reformed

On June 22 the EU agricultural commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel presented a proposal to reform the cash-consuming wine support policies in the EU. The purpose

Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: New findings on how soil (or terroir if you wish) influences wine: “A new, improved level of

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