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Svenskar tycker till om alkoholmonopolet

Sveriges Sprit- och Vinleverantörers Förening har låtit göra en undersökning av vad svenskar tycker om monopolet. Resultat: Positiva till monopolet: 55%, Negativa till monopolet 35%,

Svensk alkoholpolitik uppmärksammas i Taiwan

Ända bort i Taiwan uppmärksammar man turerna kring de svenska (och nordiska) alkoholskatterna. Läs i Taiwan News: https://www.etaiwannews.com/World/2005/03/21/1111373205.htm

Record sales for Absolut Vodka

For the ninth year in a row Absolut Vodka recorded growing sales. Total sales in 2004 was 76 million litres, up 5% from 2003. Absolut

Stop wine fakes with new technology

A small Bordeaux company called Authenticwine has developed a clever system to prevent wine forgeries. It uses a complicated (and difficult to forge) label that

Danish wine exported to France

”Nordlund” is a wine grown and produced in Denmark. The producer (Danskt Vin-Center) has now signed a contract with a French importer. We must of

Drip nozzle, on a viner irrigation system at Kir-Yianni Winery, Naoussa, Macedonia, Greece

Irrigation will be permitted in France?

Irrigation has long been prohibited in French vineyards. The reasoning being that with water the growers could inflate the grapes, increase production but lower the

Chateauonline sold to CL Financial

Chateauonline, probably the most successful European internet wine shop, has been bought by CL Financial. The value of the transaction has not been made public.

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