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Wine from Nebraska

It is said that all US states except one (guess which!) make wine. But Nebraska is not the first one you think of for wine.

agnès b. designs wine label

Château l’Evêché in Saint Emilion has made a tradition of having its label created by a fashion designer. The latest vintage (the 2003) has been

BKWine launches wine tours in English

BKWine, who is one of Scandinavias most active organisers of wine tours, now launches a selection of tours in English to French wine regions. The

Wine writing illegal in Norway?

Journée Vinicole writes that the Norwegian ministry of Justice wondered if the articles written on wine in the Norwegian press should be considered as advertisements.

Restaurant recommendations…

For more restaurant recommendations and for the addresses – visit our restaurant page on the site:Restaurants Wine Shops Books

Ett inlägg från en läsare

Ett inlägg från en läsare: ——- Hej BKWine! Bra att ni är kritiska till monopolet och Systembolagets hantering av vinsortimentet! Mina frågor och synpunkter är

Vranken buys Listel

According to our information (and as a confirmation of previous rumours) Vranken has bought Listel (owned mainly by Val d’Orbieu and the bank Credit Agricole).

Arkiv månad för månad

Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet!

25 000 prenumeranter får vinnyheter varje månad. Du också?