Bag-in-Box wines show poor quality according to study: only 5% is OK
The Swedish monopoly retailer has conducted a study on how the quality evolves over time for wines in bag-in-box. Only 5% of the wines tested
The Swedish monopoly retailer has conducted a study on how the quality evolves over time for wines in bag-in-box. Only 5% of the wines tested
People are buying less wines en primeur in Sweden. Well, actually, they will be buying none at all since Systembolaget, the Swedish retail monopoly, has
Argentina is mainly know for the Mendoza wines but since the beginning of the decade massive investments (partially state subsidised) have been done in Patagonia,
Press information reports that the big Rhône producer Jaboulet is on the verge of being sold to the Swiss financier Jean-Jacques Frey. Jaboulet is one
Robert Parker, famous wine writer, critique and taster, and publisher of The Wine Advocate, has recruited a new collaborator to write about German wines: David
The Prime Minister Göran Persson and the finance minister Per Nuder both agreed that the Swedish taxation on alcohol should be lowered. But this will
Richard Branson, eccentric British billionaire, owner of e.g. Virgin Airlines, has launched a range of wines with the motto “Unscrew it, let’s do it!”. “Wine,
A French court (”Conseil d’Etat”) has annulled the creation in 2003 of the appellation Chaume Premier Cru for a sweet white wine made in Anjou
New rules were published on August 27: 20 geographical names (village “appellations”) can be used on the label: Beaumes-de-Venise, Cairanne, Chusclan (red and rosé), Laudun,
Robert Parker interviewed in the French magazine Paris Match, on the French classification systems: “The French classification systems are historically important, but the 1855 classification
On September 2 Anitra Steen, Managing Director of Systembolaget AB, announced what measures would be taken by Systembolaget against some of the companies suspected of
Touring in Wine Country Burgundy/Bordeaux/Loire/Rhône/ProvenceHubrecht Duijker (Mitchell Beazley), ca £10-13. Also exists in French, published by Flammarion These books were published some years ago but
These books were published some years ago but they are books that you don’t want to be without if you travel in wine country. Indispensable.
Interested in combining food and wine? Read Sam Gugino’s recommendations on his site (Sam is also a contributing editor to the Wine Spectator.):
L’Air de Rien: Sober och snygg inredning som väl matchar de vällagade och vackert presenterade rätterna. Två rätter till lunch kostar 15 euro – mycket
Opretentiöst och trevligt om man råkar vara i kvarteren runt Saint-Sulpice och Bon Marché. Prova gärna creme brûlée au roquefort till förrätt. Lunchmeny 15-18 euro.
”[monopolet] är en fornlämning från 1920-talet. … En privatisering skulle inte bara vara fördelaktigt för konsumenterna men skulle också ge mer intäkter till staten. …
För några nummer sedan berättade vi om en on-line enkät från affärsidkarna i Vimmerby om vad folk tycker om monopolet. Då hade inte många personer
För några nummer sedan i BKWine Brief refererade vi en artikel i DN om en utfrågning av Bengt-Göran Kronstam, DNs vinskribent, inför publik i Gallerian.
Fredag 2 september höll Anitra Steen, VD på Systembolaget, en presskonferens om vilka sanktioner man beslutat införa emot vissa av de leverantörer som är misstänkta
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