5,500 euro for a bottle of Hock 1727
One bottle of Rüdesheimer Apostelwein 1727 was recently sold by Christie’s in Amsterdam for more than 5,500€. According to Michael Broadbent it had a taste
One bottle of Rüdesheimer Apostelwein 1727 was recently sold by Christie’s in Amsterdam for more than 5,500€. According to Michael Broadbent it had a taste
We just learned that Unwins, one of the UK’s leading chains of wine shops (380 shops, 24 employees) has been put in liquidation after a
The EU commission voted to approve an agreement between the EU and the US on wine trade on December 20. Exactly what the agreement will
Det har varit en del aktivitet och kommenterande i bloggen over helgerna. Har folk tagit sig tid under semestern? Ett exempel: ”Det är ju verkligen
Lustigt att få medhåll från just Landsorganisationen LO. LO säger så här: ”Att motverka monopol och garantera mångfald måste ytterst vara politikens ansvar”. Kan man
Uppsala Nya Tidning (UNT) gjorde en undersökning med hjälp av några ungdomar om hur lätt det är att köpa vin och sprit på Systembolaget när
Vinguiden.com, en svensk webbsite med reklam om vin och sprit, fick i våras en ny affärsidé: På uppdrag av en vinimportör gjorde man det lätt
Vi fick ett annat mail från en person som tröttnat på Systembolagets självförhärligande i sin tidning Bolaget, tidningsannonser mm om att vara störst, bäst och
Vi fick ett mail angående Dear Mr B från upphovsmannen. Ja alltså inte från Systembolaget (DearMrB.se. Systembolaget har sällan för vana att reagera på vad
Alla som ingår i det första skedet av domarna i muthärvan får fällande domar. Två personer från Vin-Trädgårdh döms skyldiga till bestickning. Vice-VDn har dömts
Did you know we have thousands of wine pictures available for licensing to professional photo buyers/photo editors/magazines/… Or if you want to buy a print
“Fine Wine” is a relatively recent UK based wine magazine. It is very contents rich and often has probing articles written by well known writers.
Tours on the schedule (in Finnish): May 3-7, 2006: Champagne, Chablis and Burgundy – 3 Classic Wine Regions – ”3 Klassikkoa”. March 29 – April
Tours on the schedule: May 17-21, 2006: Champagne, Chablis and Burgundy – 3 Classic Wine RegionsTake a break for a long weekend and visit three
Rémi Klein’s father bought Domaine Réméjeanne in 1960. Réméjeanne is in the Côtes-du-Rhône, close to Bagnols-sur-Ceze, on the west side of the river. He started
Oremus is owned by the same Spanish family that owns Vega Sicilia, the Alvarez. It is a spectacular place. The winery is impressive and brand
On February 11 BKWine organises the 3rd Scandinavian Wine Fair in Paris. Registrations have started to arrive and we currently have around 25 registered producers.
Constellation Brands, one of the world’s largest wine producers, is making a hostile bid to take over Vincor International. Vincor is the forth largest wine
That was the challenge launched by one Swedish wine importer (Bibendum) recently. Main challenger was Yves Vatelot, who was there to present his wine from
This year, the traditional autumn auction at the Hospices de Beaune was managed by Christie’s. On average prices were up by 11%. 789 pièces (burgundy
Prenumerera och läs vårt månatliga nyhetsbrev, BKWine Brief, som 25 000 andra vinentusiaster.
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25 000 prenumeranter får vinnyheter varje månad. Du också?