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Daps, restaurang Barcelona | BKWine Tips

Man märker att man är i Barcelona på den diskreta och eleganta designen, både på restaurangen, servicens klädsel och rätterna. Ser ut som en ”innekrog”

Some Paris Wine Shops | BKWine Pick

This is Wine Blogging Wednesday and we’ve been asked to write about some interesting wine shop. We’ll actually talk about more than one though. The

San Pedro, Molina, Chile | BKWine Pick

Vina San Pedro is Chiles biggest wine producer. They make 3 million cases each year most of their ”base” wine Gato Cabernet Sauvignon. Their top

Some wine links from BKWine

Some wine sites worth having a look at: Institut Coopératif du Vin – A site for those of you who are very interested in wine

Wine Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: Wine Learning Centre: Various wine information and a quite amusing section on how to pronounce wine terminology:

Château Roubine, Provence | BKWine Tips

Valerie och Philippe Riboud köpte vackra Château Roubine med tillhörande 75 hektar vinodlingar 1994. Ingen av dem hade då någon större erfarenhet av vinodling. Valerie

Don’t forget: Go on a wine tour

Just a reminder to you that we have some exciting wine tours lined up this year: Champagne, Chablis & Burgundy in May Bordeaux in June

Where are you?

Oh, and by the way, why don’t you put a pin for you on the Frappr map, just for fun, to show us where in

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