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Ekologiska viner allt populärare i Sverige

Försäljningen av ekologiska viner ökade med 56% under 2005. Samma tendens har fortsatt under 2006. Det är dock fortfarande en försvinnande liten del av försäljningen

EU wine policy to be reformed

On June 22 the EU agricultural commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel presented a proposal to reform the cash-consuming wine support policies in the EU. The purpose

Parker writes for Business Week

Robert Parker, the world’s best known and influential wine critic, often referred to as ”guru”, will write a weekly column for Business Week magazine, starting

Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: New findings on how soil (or terroir if you wish) influences wine: “A new, improved level of

Coup de Coeur des femmes journalistes

The cooperative wine producers in the French departement l’Hérault organise a yearly wine competition followed by a “final” called “Coup de Coeur des femmes journalistes”

Bordeaux primeur prices sky-rocket

As expected (or feared) the prices of the highly acclaimed 2005 vintage in Bordeaux are up, and not by little. According to the Danish, but

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Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet!

25 000 prenumeranter får vinnyheter varje månad. Du också?