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Vin & Sprit säljer mer

V&S Vin & Sprits försäljning ökade med 13% till 7,6 miljarder kronor. Rörelseresultatet ökade med 18% till 1,6 miljarder kronor. Ökningen beror till stor del

Mechanical harvest better than manual?

Many have opinions on this matter. Often, people believe that manual harvest, with “real” vendangeurs is better, not necessarily without knowing why. We would rather

Uruguay wines continue to progress

Uruguay is radically different (and perhaps less known) than Argentina and Chile, in terms of wine growing. If you find vast vineyards over immense prairies

Monopolet lanserar drinkbok

Systembolaget lanserar i början av december en ny bok med drinkrecept. Enligt World of Wine så vill man på Systemet möta kundernas ökade efterfrågan på

Blanche d’Armagnac

Perhaps it is clever marketing. We have heard about Blanche d’Armagnac since quite a while back and have written about it previously here. But you

Unoaked Chardonnay more and more popular

It’s not exactly big news for those of you who read about wine elsewhere: Heavyweight barrel aged Chardonnay is loosing ground. Consumers are moving towards

Big harvest in Europe

The total volume in Europe, though, seems to be relatively big. The total for the four countries German, Italy, France and Spain is expected to

Small German harvest

The rain arrived just at harvest time in Germany. Many producers had to do very strict sorting of the grapes at harvest, which will lead

Restauranger i Stockholm | BKWine Tips

Bistro Jarl Champagnebar Centralt placerad och en mötesplats för många. Har nyligen byggt ut sin champagnebar och fått mer plats. Nalen Mest känd för sitt

Arkiv månad för månad

Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet!

25 000 prenumeranter får vinnyheter varje månad. Du också?