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About Wine | BKWine Pick

About Wine Av J. Patrick Henderson & Dellie Rex Thomson Delmar Learning Det var med extra nyfikenhet vi öppnade den här boken eftersom det i

Is wine bad for your teeth?

– Yes and no, judging from my own experience and from my dentist. If I taste a lot of wines (especially whites) I certainly have

INAO changes shape

From the beginning of next year the INAO (Institut National des Appellations Contrôlées), the French control body for appellations, will change shape and responsibilities. To

Harvest report from Portugal

2006 was very warm and dry in Portugal. The total harvest is expected to be 6.9 million hectolitres, which is down 4% compared to last

New DAC in Austria: Traisental

Austria has approved a new quality wine area, DAC, which stands for Districtus Austria Controllatus: Traisental. On 770 hectares they grow primarily Gruner Veltliner (63%),

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New AVA: Tracy Hills

American officials have approved a new AVA (American Viticultural Area): Tracy Hills. Tracy hills covers 39,200 acres (some 20,000 hectares) close to the city of

Times are not good in Bordeaux

Sure, there is a small group of Bordeaux producers that fetch stratospheric prices for their wines – the top estates, some of which raised their

Calvet sold to Grands Chais de France

Neither of the two names probably sound very familiar to most people. Some might recognise Calvet since it is an old Bordeaux négociant. On the

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