Äldre artiklar

Jacques and François Lurton separates

– Jacque and François Lurton, sons of the legendary André Lurton (owner of e.g. Chateau La Louvière) have under many years built up a substantial

Not only oak barrels

Oak is certainly by very far the most popular wood to use for barrels, but it is not the only. EU has recently approved the

Lynch-Bages owner buys Sénéchaux in Châteauneuf

Jean-Michel Cazes, owner of the famous Château Lynch-Bages in Bordeaux, has acquired Domaine des Sénéchaux in Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Sénéchaux. Sénéchaux has previously been one rather inconspicuous

Chehalem Mountains becomes 15th Oregon AVA

– American Viticultural Areas (AVA) is the US equivalent to the French system of Appellation Contrôlée (although very different). Chehalem Mountains, close to Portland in

Vote for the BKWine Brief Blog

– The site LocalwineEvents have launched a top list of the most popular wine blogs. BKWine Brief Blog is “only” in 53rd place at the

Baxo, restaurang Paris 10 | BKWine Tips

I slutet av december öppnade denna nya och trevliga restaurang, inte så långt från Canal Saint Martin. Prisvärd lunchmeny, 2 rätter för 12 euro och

Baxo, Paris 10 | BKWine Pick

This nice little restaurant only just opened in December, not far from the Canal Saint Martin. Very good value lunch menu, 2 courses for 12

BKWine Brief #42 out

BKWine Brief #42 is now out. You can find it here. This is how it starts: Decanting the wine… Sounds perhaps old-fashioned or snobbish? But

Bokrecension: Drinkar & Tilltugg – en guide

Drinkar & Tilltugg – en guide Av: Leif Eriksson, Catharina Person (text), Gunnar Magnusson (foto) Systembolaget (2006) En drinkbok av klassiskt snitt: Inledningskapitlet ger en

The Wine Atlas of Canada | BKWine Pick

The Wine Atlas of Canada Av Tony Aspler, photographs by Steven Elphick Random House Canada Detta är den första bok om kanadensiska viner vi läst.

Link Tips

– “French have a shot at vodka” – In the last Brief we mentioned Blanche d’Armagnac, the new “white” spirit from the Armagnac district. CNN

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