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Chefs, Saveurs, Champagne

Chefs, Saveurs, Champagne Av Ragnar Fridriksson Passionfood En udda bok kanske. Först: skriven av en islänning som bor i Champagne. Sedan: en märklig blandning av

The world’s best Barbera

Every grape variety has it’s competition it seems and so does Barbera. In 2006 the competition counted 305 entrants, 35 of which cam from outside

Wine Fair in Finland

Finland’s biggest wine event is the annual wine fair ViiniExpo. It is open both to professionals and to the general public. This year’s event takes

Petition for truth in wine labelling…

“Protect Place” is an initiative created by seven wine regions to promote truthful (geographical) information on wine labels. The regions behind the initiative are Champagne,

Fitou leaves Languedoc cooperation?

CIVL (Comité Interprofessionnel des Vins Du Languedoc) is a sort of producers cooperation and promotion organisation for the appellations in Languedoc. Fitou is one of

Wine for presidents?

In April the French people will elect a new president. The two front runners for the race are Nicolas Sarkozy (conservative) and Segolène Royale (socialist).

Corsican wine show

– The international wine trade will have a great opportunity to taste and select the best Corsican wines on April 26-27. The “First Corsican International

More wine auction news

Top lists seem to be popular this season. Here’s one from Sotheby’s wine auctions. Top auction prices: – 6 bt DRC Romanée Conti 1985: $119,500

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