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Life is being a chef…

One of the hottest segments in the internet industry today is “social software”. It covers anything from the teenage virtual world of MySpace to professional

Journal of Wine Economics

The new and scientifically orientated Journal of Wine Economics has published its second issue. There you can read about: “Growers vs. Merchants Bargaining on the

USA the world’s biggest wine consumer?

According to a recent report from the Wine Market Council, Adams Beverage Group and Merill Research USA is currently the world’s third largest wine consuming

South Africa has 581 wine cellars

– Some interesting statistics on South Africa : There are 581 wine cellars. (As a comparison, that is about the same number as there is

More luxury Champagne

Champagne is one of the few districts today that has no problems at all to sell its wines. The problem they have is rather to

The world’s largest wine tasting

5095 person participated in what was, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the worlds largest wine tasting. The tasting was held in Aranda del

A Table, Levallois-Perret | BKWine Pick

You find “A Table” in one of the “proche-banlieus” (near-suburbs) in Paris, Levallois-Perret, just north-west of the centre. In an area dominated by modern office

Château Belingard, Bergerac | BKWine Tips

Laurent de Bosredon tog över denna stora familjeegendomen i mitten av 1980-talet. Han har ett mål för ögonen, att höja kvaliteten och intresset för appellationerna

La Bastide d’Opio, Paris 6 | BKWine Pick

Liten, provensalsk restaurang med sydlig känsla. Mycket god mat som dessutom presenteras mycket trevligt. Den grillade tonfisken var otroligt saftig och fin och le crumble

Link Tip

Tannin better than resveratrol for the heart: Scientific American

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