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Prices rise on Australian wine?

There’s been exceptionally dry weather in Australia, and coupled with spring frosts this has reduced this year’s harvest. Now, trade sources estimate that the reduces

Bernard Magrez makes wine in Japan

– Bernard Magrez is one of the most successful wine “industrialists” in recent times. He has amassed a wine empire including some 35 wine estates.

Wine Tours

Wine Tours 26-30 September: Côte d’Or, the heart of Burgundy Over the course of a long weekend we will take a close look at the

Special offer: Portugal

Portugal has developed into a very exciting wine country. That’s why we do one more wine tour to Portugal this year. Just in time for

How to build and start your own wine cellar

How to build and start your own wine cellar By Chris Miley Redwine Publications, www.redwinepublications.com, www.winecellarsecrets.com – An ebook (pdf) on wine cellars. It actually

New AVA: Snake River in Idaho

On April 9 Snake River Valley will officially become an AVA, American Viticultural Area. Snake River Valley is in the state of Idaho(!) and covers

Montenegro joins OIV

The new republic of Montenegro (previously part of Yugoslavia) has joined the OIV, Office International de la Vigne et du Vin, the international wine bureau

St Emilion classification annulled

Just as we speculated in the last Brief the new classification of Saint Emilion has been declared invalid by a court in Bordeaux. Like the

Feminine wine?

Marketing ploy? For sure. But we find it quite interesting how people try and be creative to stand out a bit from the crowd, so

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