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Sex säljer – även vin?

Knappast något som skulle gå hem hos de flesta marknadsförare (eller kontrollmyndigheter) i Europa. Men en sydafrikansk vinproducent har lanserat en marknadsföringskampanj med lättklädda damer

Torres köper vingård i Rioja

Torres är för många nästan synonymt med Katalonien. Nu har man just köpt mark i Rioja – dock inte stor; endast runt 5 hektar. Torres

Mal nytt hot för Napas viner

En liten mal som kallas ”western grapeleaf skeletonizer” är det senaste hotet mot Kaliforniens vingårdar. En sådan liten insekt påträffades nyligen i en fångstanordning i

Världens bästa Pinot Noir

Tionde årgången av världsmästerskapet i Pinot Noir såg 1050 tävlande viner från ett flertal länder: Frankrike, Tyskland, Österrike, Ungern, Argentina, Chile, Nya Zeeland, USA m.fl.

Wanted: Stolen wines

– We’ve had a report of stolen wines that the owner would very much like to get back: “”2 Double Magnums Latour 1982, 9 Magnums

The World’s best Tempranillo

More and more grape varieties get their own competition. This year is the third for Tempranillo. The judgment took place in Shanghai (!) at the

”Cru Bourgeois” banned

– The latest chapter in the classification carrousel in Bordeaux: DGCCRF (“La Fraude”), the French administration responsible for counteracting fraud (and other things), has issued

Wine making as in roman times

An American wine producer has started making wine in huge terracotta amphorae – the way wine was made in roman times it is said. It

Record early harvest in Italy too

The very warm weather, already early in the year, has led to that an exceptionally early harvest is expected – the earliest harvest for 30

Dutch wine threaten by EU reform?

Dutch wine growers are worried that the proposed ban on adding sugar to the must will make it impossible to make wine in Holland. Virtually

The main themes in the EU reform

Until then, here are the main themes of the reform: – abolition of market management measures (e.g. “crisis” distillation) – ban on sugar for enrichment

The EU wine reform

In early July the EU launched its proposal for reform of the wine sector. Today large amounts of money are spent on various measures, that

Arkiv månad för månad

Prenumerera på nyhetsbrevet!

25 000 prenumeranter får vinnyheter varje månad. Du också?