Författare: Per Karlsson

Swedish. Per is co-founder together with his wife Britt of BKWine. Rumour has it that his interest in wine started already when he was 11. Just like Britt he visits some 200 wineries each year on wine tours and for journalistic research. He writes about wine primarily online on BKWine Magazine and in the BKWine Brief. Per is also a professional photographer, specialising in wine and travel photography. See BKWine Photography for more on this. Since a few years back he has also branched out into video production on the same subject. He has contributed all images, and some text, to BKWine’s wine books.

Torres köper vingård i Rioja

Torres är för många nästan synonymt med Katalonien. Nu har man just köpt mark i Rioja – dock inte stor; endast runt 5 hektar. Torres har sedan länge expanderat utanför Katalonien med vingårdar i t.ex.

Cornas i norra Rhône hotas av bebyggelsen

Enligt kommunala planer ska 3,4 hektar vingårdsmark göras om till tomter. I denna mycket lilla rhoneappellation är 3,4 ha inte en oväsentlig yta. Det rör sig om vingårdsnamnen Les Chaillots, La Côte, och Les Mazards.

BKWine Brief nummer 50, september 2007

Snart är det dags. Jo, det är snart dags för skörd – också. Och på många hall har den redan börjat. En exceptionellt tidig skörd men en skörd som antagligen kommer att vara måttlig i

Wanted: Stolen wines

– We’ve had a report of stolen wines that the owner would very much like to get back: “”2 Double Magnums Latour 1982, 9 Magnums Latour 1982, 12 bottles 1982 Latour, 12 bottles Margaux 1986,

The World’s best Tempranillo

More and more grape varieties get their own competition. This year is the third for Tempranillo. The judgment took place in Shanghai (!) at the end of June. Two Great Gold Medals were Awarded: Carmelo

But ”Cru Bourgeois” will perhaps rise again

So it is forbidden to use the classification Cru Bourgeois. What to do? Why not create a “label” that could be called “Label Cru Bourgeois”? Then it wont be a classification but simply a label.

”Cru Bourgeois” banned

– The latest chapter in the classification carrousel in Bordeaux: DGCCRF (“La Fraude”), the French administration responsible for counteracting fraud (and other things), has issued a decreed to the effect that it is no longer

Bordeaux named World Heritage Site by Unesco

Large parts of the city of Bordeaux has been given World Heritage status by Unesco. It is primarily the old city centre and its river-facing facades that have been honoured. The city has for several

Wine making as in roman times

An American wine producer has started making wine in huge terracotta amphorae – the way wine was made in roman times it is said. It is Del Dotto Winery in St Helena that has invested

Record early harvest in Italy too

The very warm weather, already early in the year, has led to that an exceptionally early harvest is expected – the earliest harvest for 30 years. Early ripening grapes (Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio) will be harvested

Dutch wine threaten by EU reform?

Dutch wine growers are worried that the proposed ban on adding sugar to the must will make it impossible to make wine in Holland. Virtually all wine made in Holland is chaptalised, since the vines

The main themes in the EU reform

Until then, here are the main themes of the reform: – abolition of market management measures (e.g. “crisis” distillation) – ban on sugar for enrichment (chaptalisation) – grub up 200,000 hectares – end planting restriction

The EU wine reform

In early July the EU launched its proposal for reform of the wine sector. Today large amounts of money are spent on various measures, that may not always improve the competitiveness of the wine industry,

Machine identifies corked wines

The restaurant Latour in new Jersey, has developed a machine (in collaboration with UC Davis) that can identify if a wine is corked or not – without opening the bottle! The machine takes a sample


Otherwise, the latest packaging innovation is wine in plastic bags. Not the ones you carry home the bottles in of course. Many people are familiar with wine packaged in plastic bags: all bag-in-box wines are

Wine in plastic bottles

Sainsbury’s, the big British retail supermarket chain, will start selling wine in plastic bottles. One of the arguments is that it will reduce carbon dioxide emissions. And it is easier to handle for the retail

BKWine Brief nr 49, August 2007

This is a summer when I feel very English: always talking about the weather. Will it change or not? For most people a summer like this year’s is disappointing but for wine growers it can

English wines win prizes

The recently held competition for English wines saw record number of contestants and better wines than ever, according to the organisers. 142 wines were awarded medals. “Wine of the Year” was awarded to Camel Valley

Bordeaux.com in new clothes

Bordeaux.com, the ”official” site for Bordeaux wines, have had a thorough redesign. You will find information on appellations, the classification system, the history of Bordeaux wines, varietals, winemaking methods, vintages, how to discover the region

Would you like to buy a vineyard in France?

Then you have a vast range of prices to choose from. Some examples of prices per hectare: – Champagne: 627,000€ (the only region where prices are up this year) – Alsace: 133,000€ (curiously second most

V&S Vin & Sprit up for sale

The Swedish government has confirmed its willingness to sell the government owned wine and spirits importer and producer V&S Vin & Sprit. Many suitors are expected, not least because Vin & Sprit owns one of

Test (MetaCafe)

Languedoc – Going Home (test) – More amazing video clips are a click away

Conference on competition and the future in the wine industry

”Competitive Forces Affecting the Wine and Winegrape Industries” is the full title of the conference organised at US Davis wine university in California. Indeed an interesting theme. More info: https://wineconferenceaugust07.ucdavis.edu/

World’s finest collection of Yquem for sale

– Do you have a sweet tooth? Then you should note September 28 in your agenda. On that date Nils Stormy will sell his unique collection of Chateau d’Yquem at auction at Zachys in New

Small demonstration in Languedoc against the EU wine reform

Only 300 participants in the demonstration on Monday in Béziers (Languedoc) protesting against the upcoming EU reform of the wine support program. Most producer organisations had preferred to await the official presentation which is expected

Torres köper vingård i Rioja

Torres är för många nästan synonymt med Katalonien. Nu har man just köpt mark i Rioja – dock inte stor; endast runt 5 hektar. Torres

Wanted: Stolen wines

– We’ve had a report of stolen wines that the owner would very much like to get back: “”2 Double Magnums Latour 1982, 9 Magnums

The World’s best Tempranillo

More and more grape varieties get their own competition. This year is the third for Tempranillo. The judgment took place in Shanghai (!) at the

”Cru Bourgeois” banned

– The latest chapter in the classification carrousel in Bordeaux: DGCCRF (“La Fraude”), the French administration responsible for counteracting fraud (and other things), has issued

Wine making as in roman times

An American wine producer has started making wine in huge terracotta amphorae – the way wine was made in roman times it is said. It

Record early harvest in Italy too

The very warm weather, already early in the year, has led to that an exceptionally early harvest is expected – the earliest harvest for 30

Dutch wine threaten by EU reform?

Dutch wine growers are worried that the proposed ban on adding sugar to the must will make it impossible to make wine in Holland. Virtually

The main themes in the EU reform

Until then, here are the main themes of the reform: – abolition of market management measures (e.g. “crisis” distillation) – ban on sugar for enrichment

The EU wine reform

In early July the EU launched its proposal for reform of the wine sector. Today large amounts of money are spent on various measures, that

Machine identifies corked wines

The restaurant Latour in new Jersey, has developed a machine (in collaboration with UC Davis) that can identify if a wine is corked or not


Otherwise, the latest packaging innovation is wine in plastic bags. Not the ones you carry home the bottles in of course. Many people are familiar

Wine in plastic bottles

Sainsbury’s, the big British retail supermarket chain, will start selling wine in plastic bottles. One of the arguments is that it will reduce carbon dioxide

BKWine Brief nr 49, August 2007

This is a summer when I feel very English: always talking about the weather. Will it change or not? For most people a summer like

English wines win prizes

The recently held competition for English wines saw record number of contestants and better wines than ever, according to the organisers. 142 wines were awarded

Bordeaux.com in new clothes

Bordeaux.com, the ”official” site for Bordeaux wines, have had a thorough redesign. You will find information on appellations, the classification system, the history of Bordeaux

V&S Vin & Sprit up for sale

The Swedish government has confirmed its willingness to sell the government owned wine and spirits importer and producer V&S Vin & Sprit. Many suitors are

Test (MetaCafe)

Languedoc – Going Home (test) – More amazing video clips are a click away

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